Our Chair presents at FIGO World Congress in Canada

FIGO Vancouver 2015 logoOur Chair, Dr Adrian Brown, was invited to present at the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) World Congress in Toronto, Canada in October 2015.  His presentation including sharing the evidence base and best practice on our Integrated Approach to improving maternal health based on the ‘Three Delays Model’ and information on the latest research project, CRADLE 3.  The presentation is available upon request.

About FIGO

The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) is the only organisation that brings together professional societies of obstetricians and gynecologists on a global basis.  FIGO’s vision is for women of the world to achieve the highest possible standards of physical, mental, reproductive and sexual health and wellbeing throughout their lives.  For over 60 years FIGO has collaborated with the world’s top health and donor bodies.  FIGO currently has Member Societies in 130 countries/territories.

Quote from our Chair

“I was honoured to be asked to present at the FIGO World Congress and to have the opportunity to share our evidence base on the Integrated Approach to improving maternal health compiled over the previous 14 years of working in maternal health in Africa.  It is really important that maternal health organisations and health providers attempt to simultaneously address each of the issues women face accessing safe and appropriate childbirth.” Dr Adrian Brown, Chair.